Net Zero Watch calls on energy minister to come clean on renewables costs

Net Zero Watch has called on Lord Callanan to come clean about the costs of renewable energy. The demand came after the minister’s refusal to address a question posed by Lord Frost in the House of Lords.

In oral questions on Thursday, Lord Frost noted Whitehall claims that renewables are half the cost of gas-fired electricity, and asked for an explanation of why subsidies were still required, and why the strike prices on offer to windfarms this year are twice what Lord Callanan says they need to make a profit. As Hansard shows, Lord Callanan failed to answer the question, simply reiterating his false claims about levelized costs.[i]

Net Zero Watch director Andrew Montford said:

If wind power is as cheap as Lord Callanan claims, then no subsidies are necessary. He can’t have it both ways. It’s painfully obvious that he is trying to hide the truth from the public. This can’t go on.

During the subsequent discussion, Lord Callanan told Lord Howell that the levelised cost figures he was quoting “take account of other system costs”.[ii] This is incorrect.




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Net Zero Watch calls for UK to follow Dutch example


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