The obesity of the energy department

I recently chanced upon the so-called ‘organogram’ for the Department of Energy Security and Net Zero. This is essentially an dataset describing the organisation’s staffing. In fact there are two organograms, one for senior staff, and one for juniors.

The one for the senior staff is rather remarkable. The department has:

  • 2 permanent secretaries

  • 5 directors general

  • 38 directors

  • 166 deputy directors

There are something around 5000 staff in all.

It’s interesting to consider just how much money we might save on these bureaucrats if we were to abandon Net Zero entirely. There is sufficient detail on the organogram to come up with a figure. Precision is impossible – for many lines the number of staff is “<5” – but if we treat these as 3, and take the middle of the average salary scale, we can arrive at a cost for DESNZ of £318 million pounds per year.

Then, if we break it down to operating unit level, by selecting only those that are obviously related to Net Zero, we can see that there is a potential saving of over £200 million per year available by cancelling the decarbonisation farce entirely. This figure is just for the junior staff, so the true total would be higher still.

UnitSalary estimate £
Carbon Capture Usage and Storage12,682,385
Central Grants and Loans7,293,035
Energy Affordability11,684,645
Energy Development7,246,373
Energy Infrastructure DG Office884,325
Energy Markets and Analysis14,226,342
Hydrogen and Industrial Carbon Capture17,259,811
Implementation and Delivery Directorate6,906,387
Industrial Decarbonisation and Emissions Trading14,184,362
International NZ, Climate Finance and Strategy12,669,046
International NZ, Trade and Energy8,049,651
NZ Buildings - Clean Heat21,902,770
NZ Buildings - Domestic15,689,982
NZ Buildings - Portfolio and Affordability11,379,009
NZ Buildings and Industry DG & NZ Strategy Delivery1,588,217
NZ Strategy10,677,451
NZ, Nuclear and International DG Office670,439
Renewable Electricity Directorate8,002,992
Science And Innovation10,629,277
Smart Metering Implementation Programme5,745,367
Strategy Directorate11,906,020

£200 million is not to be sneezed at, and there’s probably another £40 million from closing arm’s length bodies such as the Climate Change Committee, the Low Carbon Contracts Company and Salix Finance. The latter is a body that distributes DESNZ grants to various third parties. Most of these grants would be savings under a no-Net-Zero policy, and so the exchequer would be saved another £500 million per year or so.

So we are up to £750 million or thereabouts, and we’ve barely started trying.

Andrew Montford

The author is the director of Net Zero Watch.


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