GWPF Calls On EU Leaders To Set Red Line for UN Climate Negotiations

Press Release

London 29 May: International negotiations are under way to reach an international agreement at the United Nations climate change summit in Paris later this year.Benny Peiser, the director of the Global Warming Policy Forum, has called on European leaders to set a red line, threatening to withdraw its pledge to cut 40% of CO2 emissions by 2030 should the Paris climate conference fail to agree legally binding CO2 targets for all nations. 

In a keynote address to the Solidarność Trade Union in Katowice, Poland on Friday, Dr Peiser said:

"Europe’s unilateral climate policies have become an existential threat to the long-term survival of Europe's energy-intensive industries. 

The EU has agreed to offer to cut CO2 emissions by 40% by 2030 below the 1990 level, a conditional pledge that the European Council has agreed to review in light of the outcome of the Paris conference. 
In the event that the Paris agreement fails to make its nationally determined mitigation pledges legally binding, the EU should abandon or at least delay making its own 40% pledge legally binding."

The Paris Climate Conference and Europe's Red Line (pdf)

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The Paris Climate Conference and Europe’s Red Line