A new dawn for Net Zero policy?

Net Zero Watch welcomes Jenrick’s robust stance on decarbonisation

Campaign group Net Zero Watch has welcomed Robert Jenrick’s declaration that the binding targets in the Climate Change Act will have to be revoked. Mr Jenrick’s comments were made in an interview at the weekend. He said that he wanted to cut emissions, but not by deindustrialising, and that legally binding carbon budgets would have to be done away with.

Net Zero Watch director Andrew Montford said:

Mr Jenrick’s comments are very welcome, and we hope that they represent the start of a return to energy rationality in the Conservative Party.”

But Mr Montford warned that Conservative divisions on energy and climate policy are still highly problematic.

The next leader of the Conservative Party will have to make a compelling case for amending the Climate Change Act so that it will become a binding manifesto pledge.”

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