More Scientists Join Global Warming Policy Foundation

The Global Warming Policy Foundation is pleased to announce the addition of three new members to its Academic Advisory Council. This brings the total membership of the Council to 26.

The new members of the GWPF's Academic Advisory Council are:

Professor Robert Carter

Bob Carter is a Research Professor at James Cook University (Queensland) and the University of Adelaide (South Australia). He is a palaeontologist, stratigrapher, marine geologist and environmental scientist. He is the author of Climate: the Counter Consensus which was published in 2010.

Professor William Happer

William Happer is a physicist who has specialised in the study of optics and spectros-copy. He is the Cyrus Fogg Brackett Professor of Physics at Princeton University.

Matthew Ridley

Matt Ridley is one of the world's foremost science writers. His books have sold over 800,000 copies and been translated into 27 languages. His new book The Rational Optimist was published in 2010.

The GWPF Academic Advisory Council is composed of scientists, economists and other experts who provide the GWPF with timely scientific, economic and policy advice. It evaluates new studies and reports, explores future research projects and makes recommendations on issues related to climate research and policy.

The other members of the GWPF Academic Advisory Council are:

Professor David Henderson (Chairman)

Adrian Berry (Viscount Camrose)

Sir Samuel Brittan

Sir Ian Byatt

Professor Vincent Courtillot

Professor Freeman Dyson

Christian Gerondeau

Dr Indur Goklany

Dr Terence Kealey

Professor Anthony Kelly

Professor Deepak Lal

Professor Richard Lindzen

Professor Ross McKitrick

Professor Robert Mendelsohn

Professor Sir Alan Peacock

Professor Ian Plimer

Professor Gwyn Prins

Professor B P Radhakrishna

Professor Paul Reiter

Sir Alan Rudge

Professor Philip Stott

Professor Richard Tol

Dr David Whitehouse

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