Net Zero Watch welcomes RSPB U-turn on offshore wind

London, 18 January - Campaign group Net Zero Watch has welcomed the decision of the RSPB to speak out about the threat that offshore windfarms represent to wildlife.

The RSPB has warned that the Government’s planned expansion of offshore wind power could drive some seabirds to extinction.

Their warning coincides with the publication of a new Net Zero Watch factsheet, which shows the extraordinary scale of the industrialisation that is planned for the seas around the UK.

Net Zero Watch director, Dr Benny Peiser said:

It’s shocking. Waters from Kent to Denmark will soon be  back to back wind turbines. There will be a wall of blades right around the north of Scotland and down the Irish Sea too. There will be no escape for the birds”.

And Dr Peiser criticised the RSPB for remaining silent for so long:

The threat of offshore wind turbines to birds has been clear for 20 years, but it’s only now that the RSPB has chosen to speak out. I fear they may have left it too late.”

** North Sea Industrialisation (pdf)

Note for bloggers and journalists

The GWPF has published a series of papers and articles on the devastating impact of wind farms on wildlife and the environment

The Impact of Wind Energy on Wildlife and the Environment (pdf)

Andrew Montford: Green Killing Machines – The impact of renewable energy on wildlife and nature (PDF)

John Constable: Kittiwake extinction risk and the death of Environmentalism

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