UKReform targets renewables industryThe Reform party announced that it would impose a windfall tax on the renewables industry, creating something of a social media storm. As we outline in our blog (see below), this creates huge political risk for any new renewables developments. More moolah for biomassWith the UK running dangerously short of firm generation capacity (see blog section below), Ed Miliband extended the subsidies for the Drax biomass plant to 2031. Gone with the windWith its profitability disappearing, BP announced a major shift in its strategy, including a wholesale retreat from renewables. Conservatives’ firming stanceThe Conservatives appeared to adopt a slightly firmer stance on Net Zero, warning that Labour’s policies threatened to decimate jobs in the North Sea oil and gas sector. The trades unions are apparently very nervous about jobs. Energy prices to keep risingEnergy suppliers are predicting that bills will rise by 6% in April, with a further 4% increase in July. With gas prices soaring again, these estimates are likely to be revised upwards.