12 July 2024Miliband’s economic assaultFrom the directorDear readers, donors and subscribers, With Ed Miliband at the reins of the energy department for just a week, things have taken a rapid turn for the worse, with the new man unleashing what could be mistaken for an all-out assault on the UK economy – details below. It remains unclear whether the Secretary of State was simply taking advantage of Keir Starmer’s absence at the NATO summit to do some freelance policymaking, or whether this is the settled will of the Cabinet, but the result is the same either way. The Prime Minister has expended a great deal of effort to convince everyone that he will prioritise economic growth. Mr Miliband has left that claim, if not in tatters, then at least severely damaged. It seems likely that we are going to have a serious battle on our hands to keep the green fanatic tendency in the Government under control. As ever, regular donations are the best way you can help us to do this. Best wishes Andrew
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