Net Zero Watch welcomes Kemi’s realism

Net Zero Watch welcomes the admission by Conservative leader Kemi Badenoch that the 2050 decarbonisation target was ‘a mistake’ and that it was put in place without any plan to deliver it.

This new position will undoubtedly lead to speculation that the party is about to adopt a radically different climate and energy policy.

Net Zero Watch director Andrew Montford said:

Kemi Badenoch’s new position on decarbonisation is very welcome, and she is right that Net Zero is making us poorer. It shows that the Conservatives are abandoning green irrationality in favour of a new realism. Now she has to set out a new direction for her party and for the country.

Mr Montford said:

Net Zero Watch has been a lone voice in the wilderness for many years, but we were right, and it looks as if the political establishment is coming to accept that. This change of direction is a big victory for our campaign.

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